



From 12/30/2024 to 01/28/2025


04:25 PM Revision febc0088 (distorted-objectlib): minor
Leszek Koltunski


02:26 PM Revision 25cb35a4 (distorted-objectlib): replace all andoird logging with System.out.println
Leszek Koltunski
12:34 PM Revision 4849c8fb (distorted-objectlib): minor bugfix: eliminate too long move angles.
Leszek Koltunski
12:14 PM Revision 82f1e4ec (distorted-objectlib): Solver for Megaminx.
Leszek Koltunski
01:59 AM Revision a3fc2045 (distorted-objectlib): bugfix in SolverActivity and speedup in MoveProviderAlgs
Leszek Koltunski


09:15 PM Revision ddd3b629 (distorted-objectlib): minor
Leszek Koltunski
04:42 PM Revision 8a230c8a (distorted-objectlib): change one of objlib's APIs from 'onReplaceModeUP/Down' (which only comes when TouchControl is in REPLACE mode) to 'onStickerTouched/Untouched' (which reports the same thing, but comes always)
Leszek Koltunski
12:18 PM Revision ff6c3ec3 (distorted-objectlib): better minimalCubiesInRow in case of cuboids - take into account that the shapeshifters can be hollow inside if x>=3, y>=3, z>=3 (e.g. 3x3x5)
Leszek Koltunski
11:19 AM Revision 6c07919c (distorted-objectlib): minor
Leszek Koltunski
03:26 AM Revision 5077b360 (distorted-objectlib): beginnings of PhasedSolverMegaminx.
Verifier & locked cubits done - now define the actual phases! Leszek Koltunski


12:40 PM Revision 2ac63f09 (distorted-objectlib): Move all the strings from objlib to the app.
Upgrade AGP from 8.1.4 to 8.3.2 Leszek Koltunski


05:08 PM Revision 3a2dfb4a (distorted-objectlib): New verifier mechanism finished and being used by both KILO3 and CUBE3 algorithmic solvers.
Leszek Koltunski
02:34 AM Revision df49882b (distorted-objectlib): Progress with automatic verifiers.
Appears to work now in case of KILO_3 and CUBE_3.
In case of IVY_2, it crashes.
Leszek Koltunski


12:08 AM Revision 890a4de1 (distorted-objectlib): beginnings of the Kilominx verifier
Leszek Koltunski
06:06 PM Revision 62b5f22f (distorted-objectlib): beginnings of ther Kilominx verifier
Leszek Koltunski
02:46 PM Revision 5511be45 (distorted-objectlib): comment
Leszek Koltunski
02:26 PM Revision 8b7cd142 (distorted-objectlib): minor
Leszek Koltunski
12:35 PM Revision b5469532 (distorted-objectlib): Another part of the fix for shape-shifting cuboids: we need to write numLayers to JSON (rather than computing it from mRotatable) because it turns out mNumLayers can be different than the lengths of mRotatable!
This and new object JSONs for the 3 shape-shifters (other object default back to the old method of computing numLayer... Leszek Koltunski
11:52 AM Revision 094eeb88 (distorted-objectlib): JSONs for shape-shifting cuboids (edges have changed!)
Leszek Koltunski
11:46 AM Revision 6c261a26 (distorted-objectlib): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Leszek Koltunski
11:45 AM Revision df0430a6 (distorted-objectlib): fix for scrambling shape-shifting cuboids. Before when scrambling e.g. the CU_242, we would sometimes 'hit air' (try to rotate a layer which does not have any cubits in it)
Leszek Koltunski


10:59 PM Revision 05909430 (distorted-objectlib): New Crazy JSONs - otherwise detection of the solved state doesn't work!
Leszek Koltunski


05:15 PM Revision 843b7ee4 (distorted-objectlib): Algorithmic solvers (at least the 3x3 beginner and the Kilominx) seem to be working now.
Leszek Koltunski
01:54 PM Revision d2ea2873 (distorted-objectlib): progress with Algorithmic solvers. Seem to solve all right now; but still problems with which cubits it lights.
Leszek Koltunski
01:28 PM Revision d959e795 (distorted-objectlib): fixes for Algorithmic solvers (but those still do not work correctly!)
Leszek Koltunski


11:09 PM Revision 0c6911df (distorted-objectlib): a dialog to interrupt too long solves
Leszek Koltunski


12:25 AM Revision 9c393b7d (distorted-objectlib): Add the 'interrupt()' API to all solvers
Add the 'start/stopSolving' notification to ResultScreen Leszek Koltunski

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