Improve the Effects Dialog so it looks good on 'thin' screens ( 720x1440 )
Improve the About dialog.
Reorganize UI of the Play state.
Progress with the 3x3x3 Solver.
More support for the 3x3x3 Solver: more of the actual 3x3x3 solver mechanism.
Beginnings of support for the 3x3x3 Solver.
Improve the upper_text.
Prettier spinner.
Progress with Pretty Patterns.
Re-add the Pattern dialog, but attach it to the Pattern uistate this time.The idea to do away with the dialog proves impossible - we'd have to resize the top bar, which causes very unpleasant flashes.
Beginnings of the 3x3x3 Solver and Pretty Patterns.
Change the series of Object buttons in the Play state into a PopupWindow.
More progress with the new Dialog, SetName.
Progresswith the new Dialog, SetName.
Implement a new Dialog, SetName.
Beginnings of submitting one's high scores.
Add the 'New Record' dialog.
Add the 'Solved' dialog.
Incorporate myRecords into the Scores dialog.
Beginnings of the 'Solving' state.
Major rearrangement of the UI.
Making the Dialogs more consistent.
Various improvements.
Downloading High Scores: more dynamic way of displaying scores
Downloading High Scores: actually downloading scores!
Downloading High Scores: optimizations
Downloading High Scores
Skeleton of a new dialog: High Scores
Add a 5x5x5 cube.
RubikCube: major progress with a separate RubikSettingsEnum enum - has been introduced into RubikSettings.
RubikCube: progress with scrambling
library: Fix DynamicQuatcube app: progress with ScrambleEffects
Add a skeleton of ScrambleEffects
- adjust SizeChangeEffects- implement first two UnscrambleEffects
Add Unscramble Effects to the UI.
Simplify the way applications can get notifications when an effect finishes.
Now, instead of the 'DistortedEffects.(de)registerForNotifications()' 2 APIs, we call a single 'Effect.notifyWhenFinished()'.
Progress with scrambling and solving cube.
Progress with UI.
Progress with Credits and Settings.
Connect the dialog values to RubikRenderer.
New RubikSettings dialog.
rename 'credits' to 'settings'
New module: Rubik App. Initial commit.