Initial support for Algorithmic Kilominx verifier and introduction of it into the App.
Full support for multiple solvers per object.
Improve the spinners; more themes.
Themes almost finished.
progress with colors in styles
major progress with colors in styles
major progress with the main settings popup
some progress with the main settings popup
common code from all activities to one BaseActivity
beginnings of support for barrel-shaped objects.
3 message dialogs.
progress with configurable stickers
More support for configuring the stickers.
Initial support for configuring the stickers.
rename the 'Config' package to 'Info'
Catch the error when WebView is not installed.
Progress with sorting the objects by various criteria.
Add the Settings button.
minor UI thing
Progress with PlayActivity
Progress with Tutorial activity; make the main ObjectPopup look nicer.
Progress with tutorials.
new Pattern Activity!
Initial support for the new Pattern Dialog.
Version 2.0: add Solver Activity.
Major progress with version 2.0.0.
Major progress to version 2.0.0.
Slightely improve the scores dialog.
LTR UI elements; rename some of them.
Unify the (small,medium,big,huge) UI graphics.
Improve About Dialog
Fix the for dialog layouts!
Progress with Bandaged UI.
About Dialog.
Improve the way we display time in the Scores dialog
TODO icon
About Dialog
remove android imports from distorted-puzzle-jsons and distorted-puzzle-dmesh
dialog about
Dialog About.
What's New dialog: improvements.Remove the About dialog.
Solvers dialog: improvements.
'What's new' UI.
What's new dialogBump version to 1.12.0
Progress with solvers dialog.
Introduce RubikDialogSolvers.
Change the '3x3x3 solver' string.
Continue unifying all the dialogs under one RubikDialogAbstract.
Further improvements for the UI.
Convert 'buy whole app' to 'buy all puzzles'
Add Stars to the main menu.
Progress with 'Stars' dialog.
Dialog 'buy stars'
Purchase Pane: post-purchase dialogs.
Purchase Pane: buttons
Purchase Pane: resources.
improve the stars dialog.
Stars: introductory dialog explaining the concept of stars.
Beginnings of support for 'Overlays': first overlay will be the rotating star which little stars fly to when one solves a level for the first time.
IAP: finish the 'Purschase' activity.
IAP part 5: new 'Purchase' activity (cont'd)
IAP part 5: new 'Purchase' activity.
IAP, part 3: non-free objects appear in the popup with a lock icon.
Move the 'bandaged' button back to the main menu.
difficulty icons.
Correct the leaderboard. Still, the 'MAX' level does noot work!
Progress with central menu popup.
Stop giving different app names in different languages.Remove the licensing info from the About Dialog.
Make the size of the text in the spinners in the bandaged activity look right on all screen sizes.
Improve the bandaged scramble settings dialog.
Bandaged: progress.
BandagedPlay: configurable mode and scramble depth
BandagedPlay: dialog
Improve the Updates dialog.
Bandaged 3x3: new dialog.
Bandaged 3x3: improvements to the layout.
Create the bandaged 3x3 icon: should work already, but it doesn't. Debug.
Bandaged 3x3: progress with saving.
Bandaged 3x3: saving dialog.
Improve layout in the bandaged view.
Further progress with Bandaged 3x3.This requires a new API in DistortedNode to change the Mesh there.
Progress with 'bandaged UI'
Beginnings of support for UI used to create any bandaged 3x3.