


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

magiccube / src / main / res @ fd18cee2

# Date Author Comment
fd18cee2 04/23/2020 05:27 PM Leszek Koltunski

Remove app_version from translated strings.xml so that the version always stays in sync.

5137f1ce 04/23/2020 01:38 PM Leszek Koltunski

Bump version to 1.1.0 since there are 9 translations, 2 bug fixes & Pretty Patterns for Pyraminx 3,4 and 5.

a7b7ae40 04/23/2020 01:37 PM Leszek Koltunski

Minor corrections for the translations.

bb1be124 04/23/2020 01:19 PM Leszek Koltunski

Minor corrections for the translations.

e5eb411c 04/23/2020 01:13 PM Leszek Koltunski

9 Translations.

dbddd5c5 04/19/2020 09:54 PM Leszek Koltunski

Give credit to Werner Randelshofer.

4634a76a 04/15/2020 10:24 PM Leszek Koltunski


22b0a264 04/15/2020 10:01 PM Leszek Koltunski

Do not allow more than 15 characters in the NAME.

703aee64 04/14/2020 10:07 PM Leszek Koltunski

Fix clickable links in the About dialog.

66e777b0 04/13/2020 08:22 PM Leszek Koltunski

Move to AndroidX, target API level 29.

316889cf 04/13/2020 04:03 PM Leszek Koltunski

Improve the Effects Dialog so it looks good on 'thin' screens ( 720x1440 )

018978ad 04/13/2020 01:29 PM Leszek Koltunski

Improve the About dialog.

ec2ee9e0 04/11/2020 03:21 PM Leszek Koltunski


ca445c23 04/10/2020 08:24 PM Leszek Koltunski


85b09df4 04/09/2020 02:04 PM Leszek Koltunski

Reorganize UI of the Play state.

373fa45f 04/06/2020 08:10 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress making the Solver state more abstract.

ca292407 04/05/2020 09:53 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with the 3x3x3 Solver.

1f9772f3 04/05/2020 02:10 PM Leszek Koltunski

More support for the 3x3x3 Solver: more of the actual 3x3x3 solver mechanism.

5660465b 04/03/2020 11:08 PM Leszek Koltunski

More support for the 3x3x3 Solver: more of the actual 3x3x3 solver mechanism.

264af0ad 04/03/2020 09:54 PM Leszek Koltunski

More support for the 3x3x3 Solver.

7289fd6c 04/03/2020 09:40 PM Leszek Koltunski

Beginnings of support for the 3x3x3 Solver.

de44c2b4 04/01/2020 12:06 AM Leszek Koltunski


6f2a942e 03/31/2020 08:36 PM Leszek Koltunski

Bugfixes for Pretty Patterns

aa171dee 03/29/2020 11:41 PM Leszek Koltunski

More support for actual patterns!

0a57000c 03/29/2020 12:18 AM Leszek Koltunski

Beginnings of support for actual patterns!

e0e84674 03/28/2020 11:01 PM Leszek Koltunski

Improve the upper_text.

7252ca42 03/28/2020 10:22 PM Leszek Koltunski

Improve the 'About' dialog.

95292d05 03/28/2020 10:13 PM Leszek Koltunski

Prettier spinner.

39566863 03/28/2020 02:00 AM Leszek Koltunski


3a9d19ed 03/28/2020 01:05 AM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with Pretty Patterns.

e108b57e 03/27/2020 10:29 PM Leszek Koltunski

Re-add the Pattern dialog, but attach it to the Pattern uistate this time.
The idea to do away with the dialog proves impossible - we'd have to resize the top bar, which causes very unpleasant flashes.

1ef1c93d 03/27/2020 09:40 PM Leszek Koltunski


d18993ac 03/26/2020 02:37 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with Pretty Patterns.

4ed3823a 03/26/2020 12:16 AM Leszek Koltunski

Beginnings of the 3x3x3 Solver and Pretty Patterns.

4c0cd600 03/25/2020 06:24 PM Leszek Koltunski

Change the series of Object buttons in the Play state into a PopupWindow.

2d60ebde 03/23/2020 01:30 PM Leszek Koltunski

More progress with the new Dialog, SetName.

db266f25 03/23/2020 01:23 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progresswith the new Dialog, SetName.

f895e77a 03/23/2020 12:52 PM Leszek Koltunski

Implement a new Dialog, SetName.

4895fff6 03/22/2020 12:29 AM Leszek Koltunski

Beginnings of submitting one's high scores.

e46e17fb 03/21/2020 07:16 PM Leszek Koltunski

Adjust rotation speed depending on the row (important in case of Pyraminx - there the top little tetrahedron must rotate much faster than the bottom big layer )

bc511ea5 03/20/2020 11:06 PM Leszek Koltunski

Add the 'New Record' dialog.

e41e7dc3 03/20/2020 10:43 PM Leszek Koltunski

Add the 'Solved' dialog.

286d73ae 03/19/2020 11:50 PM Leszek Koltunski

Port the downloading into the new 'magic' server.

1c90c64a 03/16/2020 11:53 PM Leszek Koltunski

Incorporate myRecords into the Scores dialog.

4888e97c 03/13/2020 02:36 PM Leszek Koltunski

Major restructuring around making it possible to include different kinds of RubikObjects in the UI.

49f67f9b 03/09/2020 11:27 AM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with Pyraminx.

c2cb520d 03/07/2020 11:14 PM Leszek Koltunski

Icons, details.

9f4c44fe 03/06/2020 10:27 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with the Pyraminx - computing all legal quaternions!

329c0aeb 02/20/2020 09:46 PM Leszek Koltunski

Many small improvements.

0333d81e 02/20/2020 12:22 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with StateSolving

ad9e8bb3 02/19/2020 01:08 AM Leszek Koltunski

Beginnings of the 'Solving' state.

4235de9b 02/17/2020 01:19 AM Leszek Koltunski

Major rearrangement of the UI.

0fd3ac1f 02/16/2020 10:30 PM Leszek Koltunski

Making the Dialogs more consistent.

4918f19c 02/11/2020 11:19 PM Leszek Koltunski

Various improvements.

946d9762 02/11/2020 09:34 PM Leszek Koltunski

Downloading High Scores: more dynamic way of displaying scores

cc5ec229 02/11/2020 05:46 PM Leszek Koltunski

Downloading High Scores: actually downloading scores!

d8aa4ba8 02/10/2020 11:55 PM Leszek Koltunski

Downloading High Scores: optimizations

b8b38548 02/10/2020 10:20 PM Leszek Koltunski

Downloading High Scores

f3e12931 02/08/2020 11:37 PM Leszek Koltunski


dd73fdab 02/07/2020 12:56 AM Leszek Koltunski


fdec60a3 02/06/2020 11:45 PM Leszek Koltunski

Skeleton of a new dialog: High Scores

a7a7cc9c 02/01/2020 01:16 AM Leszek Koltunski

Add a 5x5x5 cube.

47ba5ddc 01/24/2020 04:29 PM Leszek Koltunski

RubikCube: further fixes

ebb64a1d 01/23/2020 03:27 PM Leszek Koltunski

RubikCube: add skeleton WinEffects (for now only one effect - 'Spin' copied from Solve)

22fdfc36 01/21/2020 10:53 AM Leszek Koltunski

RubikCube: major progress with a separate RubikSettingsEnum enum - has been introduced into RubikSettings.

2ecf0c21 01/19/2020 11:36 PM Leszek Koltunski

RubikCube: progress with scrambling

30b68322 12/16/2019 02:21 AM Leszek Koltunski

library: Fix DynamicQuat
cube app: progress with ScrambleEffects

3b12e641 12/10/2019 03:12 PM Leszek Koltunski

Add a skeleton of ScrambleEffects

584f7954 05/16/2019 11:34 PM Leszek Koltunski

- adjust SizeChangeEffects
- implement first two UnscrambleEffects

a7012218 05/15/2019 12:10 AM Leszek Koltunski

Add Unscramble Effects to the UI.

f647630d 05/11/2019 10:33 PM Leszek Koltunski

Simplify the way applications can get notifications when an effect finishes.

Now, instead of the 'DistortedEffects.(de)registerForNotifications()' 2 APIs, we call a single 'Effect.notifyWhenFinished()'.

f548942f 05/10/2019 04:40 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with scrambling and solving cube.

5560eea9 05/10/2019 03:06 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with UI.

1cbcc6bf 05/10/2019 02:16 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with Credits and Settings.

b0a2ce63 05/09/2019 11:23 PM Leszek Koltunski

Connect the dialog values to RubikRenderer.

f6fcf06a 05/09/2019 11:07 PM Leszek Koltunski

New RubikSettings dialog.

a47ee432 05/08/2019 09:56 PM Leszek Koltunski

rename 'credits' to 'settings'

0c52af30 04/09/2019 08:27 PM Leszek Koltunski

New module: Rubik App. Initial commit.