IAP, part 3: non-free objects appear in the popup with a lock icon: make the lock icon's size resolution-independent
IAP, part 3: non-free objects appear in the popup with a lock icon.
IAP, part 2: unify the way we create object popups in ScreenPlay and ConfigActivity.
IAP, part 1: Introduce the concept of a 'free' and 'not free' object to
- ObjectType- DownloadedObject- RubikObject- jsons
Move the 'bandaged' button back to the main menu.
Simplification for the new way of storing records.
New way to store records, comopletely independent on the number of scrambles.Do away with the weird 'getDBLevel' thing.
difficulty icons.
Make error reporting in the Solver a bit better.
Bugfix for rotating the object in BandagedCreator mode.
Make the bandaged cuboids work up to any size.
Make ObjectSignature ready for any size bandaged cube.
Bump to 1.11.3
Correct the MAX level in the leaderboard.
Correct the leaderboard. Still, the 'MAX' level does noot work!
Bump to 1.11.2
Important bugfix for fast scrambling!
solvers,tutorials: license.
screens: license.
objects,patterns: license.
main,messaging: license.
external,helpers: license.
dialogs: license.
config: license.
bandaged: license.
Bump to 1.11.1
Make the fastScramble incremental.
Make the BandagedPlay use FastScramble. (static 500 times)
Add Firebase Cloud Messaging and Firebase In-App Messaging
correct the way we add new downloadeed objects.
- we need to export the main activity- we need to detect if the downloaded JSON is corrupt and if yes, do not save it.
Stop exporting the activities.
Report JSON errors also from the bandaged screen.
Do not crash when something's wrong with the JSON file - handle this gracefully, do not change the object then, and report this to Firebase.
Bugfix for downloading new objects (part2)
Bugfix for downloading new objects.
include newest libraries.
Bump to 1.11.0
Progress with colors in the main menu.
Request review after 3 and 6 runs.
Progress with colors in the Menu Level Buttons.
Progress with colors in the Menu Level Buttons
Progress with central menu popup.What remains is the colors in the Menu Level Buttons
Progress with central menu popup.
Implement the FastScramble effect.
- move the 'object' popup to the botton right- move the 'solve' button to the upper left- movee the 'scramble' button to the upper right (its new FastScrambleEffect still not implemented fully)
Move 'bandaged' from the main menu to the object popup.
Add the plus icon.
Stop giving different app names in different languages.Remove the licensing info from the About Dialog.
Rename solver files.
Optimize the solver.
crash fix
Optimize the FreePlay screen; bump to 1.10.6
Come back to solve/scramble in the main screen.
Do not react on end of scramblng in FreePlay!
Mark the 'Free Play' with green or red dot.
Progress with FreePlay.
Improve setting the size of text on spinners.
Exit button in the main screen.
New 'Free Play' screen.
Make the size of the text in the spinners in the bandaged activity look right on all screen sizes.
Correctly get the whole size fo the screen (along with thee top and bottom system bars) from the very beginning of the Activity.
A few code improvements.
Bump version to 1.10.5
Make the 4 built-in BandagedCuboids use the introduced InitData concept and remove all specific bandaged object classes.
Introduce InitData, a data structure used to initialize a TwistyObject.Current (optional) members: int[] numLayers, int param [intended: type of the Crazy 3x3 planet], float[][] pos [position of a bandaged cube] )
Bump app version to 1.10.4
Improve two things in the BandagedCreator:
- when one minimizes the app and re-maximizes it, now the app remembers the state of the bandaged cube being created- when one minimizes the app while one of th cubits is marked, it no longer gets marked the second time on re-maximizaton (which was the reason why some cubits sometimes couldn't be unmarked).
Correct a crasher.
Finally fix the bad bug where people could submit impossible records!
Generalize the max number of moving parts and max size of quat group.
one more crash fix and a bump to 1.10.3
Correctly compute bandaged icon's projection angle.
Bump to 1.10.2
Bugfix for a crasher
Slightely improve the locally-creeated bandaged cuboid icon.
Set the right default.
Improve the bandaged scramble settings dialog.
Switch off Vertex uniforms in BandagedCreator.
Bump to 1.10.1
Improve icon creation.
Improve scrambling locally-produced bandaged cuboid.
Fixes for scrambling locally-produced bandaged cuboid.Still does not work completely.
Introduce ObjectSignature that can incorporate 192-bit signatures (for 5x5x5 bandaged cubes).ObjectScrambler does not fully work yet.
Fix for a bug when in Turkey and Azerbaijan, the names of downloaded objects which contain the letter 'I' do not get translated to upper case correctly (part 2: fix 'toLowerCase()' )
Fix for a bug when in Turkey and Azerbaijan, the names of downloaded objects which contain the letter 'I' do not get transalted to upper case correctly.
Fix for a crasher
Bandaged Creator: add support for two-fingered rescaling.
Bandaged: add support for two-fingered rotation in the Creator.