Pyraminx Diamond solver: Abstract version finished.
Progress with the Pyraminx Diamond solver.
Skeleton of a Pyraminx Diamond solver.
Dino4 solver: code finished, but still doesn't work.
Decouple (to a large degree) the OpenGL Library from Android.
Dino4 solver: progress.
Dino4 solver: skeleton.
Dino6 solver: tablebase computed. It doesn't quite work yet though.
Dino6 solver: skeleton tablebase class.
Dino6 solver: error detection should work fine now.
Dino6 solver: errors
Dino6 solver: skeleton.
Speedups for setupPosition(). Now the 587 moves of the Burr Cube is getting done visibly faster.
Up target SDK back to 33.
Rollback to targetSDK 32 as we are still not able to upload 33-built app to the Play Store without Google complaining about AD_ID.
Update API dialog.
Up to version 1.12.5Update the About dialog.Target API 33.
Skeletons of new solvers: Dino6 & Pyraminx Diamond.
Skewb solver: corrections for error detection.
Skewb solver: full TB version works now.
Progess with Skewb solver.
Jing Solver: correct detection of missing edge colors.
Pyraminx Solver: correct detection of missing edge colors.
Beginnings of the Skewb solver.
Jing: a TablebaseAbstract-based solver finished and working.
Jing tablebase. New, less pillowed Jing mesh.
List of implemented solvers.
PruningTables now being correctly created in CreatorActivity and read in by the main app.
progress with PruningTable.
Cube2 tablebases solver finished.
Skeleton Cube2 tablebases class.
2x2 solver class finished.
Beginnings of the 2x2 solver.
Dialog About.
New MrUK tutorials.
What's New.
Icosamate: mesh, jsons.
first attempt at Icosamatenew PL tutorial for the Crazy Planets
Move corner orientation from SolverPyraminx to TablebasesPyraminx (we'll need it for better-looking tablebases scrambling)
Tablebase-based scrambling.
Close assets after use.
Introduce InitAssets. We'll use this later to pass on references to the tablebase file to the TwistyObject (so that it can use this for perfect scrambling)
Up version to 1.12.4, what's new.
Add skeletons of the Cube2 & Skewb solvers.
Diamond Skewb solver: add Tablebase.
Diamond Skewb solver should be fully working now.
Progress with the Diamond Skewb solver.
New button in the solver screen: reset all textures.
Progress with Skewb Diamond solver.
Solver: new error strings.
Beginnings of Skewb Diamond solver.
Pyraminx solver: bugfix.
Pyraminx solver: add tips.
Pyraminx solver: tablebase working now (tipless, tips to be added in the SolverPyraminx class)
Pyraminx solver: progress
Pyraminx solver: error messages
CU_232 solver: filtering the position should work now
More translations for the CU_232 solver
Beginnings of the 2x2x3 solver.
What's new
Solver translations.
Ivy solver finished
Small corrections
Correct Ivy's order of cubits.
Ivy Solver: implementations of getIndex() and getQuats() remain.
Introduce ImplementedTablebasesList
Fx the solver to be able to handle the case when someone repainted the faces in a different order
Read TB from file.
Pyraminx Duo solver: solutions (coming from unpacked DB recreated each time) seem to be working.
Pyraminx Duo solver: initial code which creates the unpacked DB (does not work still)