


Wiki » History » Revision 12

Revision 11 (Distorted Admin, 03/21/2020 04:35 PM) → Revision 12/61 (Distorted Admin, 03/21/2020 04:37 PM)

h1. Overview

Magic Cube is an application which lets one play with Cubes and Pyraminxes of any size. It contains graphhics effects provided by the "Distorted": library.
Users can submit their best times to a central High Scores list and download results made by others.
A 3x3x3 Cube solver and a Pretty Patterns tutorial is in the plans.

Magic Cube is open source and released under the terms of the "GNU General Public License v2": (GPL).

h1. Source code

git clone
git clone

h1. Tutorials

h2. How to add a new Rubik Object

* Write a new class which extends "RubikObject":
* Write a new class which extends "RubikObjectMovement":
* add your new classes to the "RubikObjectList": enum

Currently implemented Objects: a "Cube": and a "Pyraminx":

h2. How to add a new Transition Effect

If you would like to add, say, a new WIN effect (i.e. animation which happens when the Object gets solved) all you need to do is add a new class which extends "org.distorted.effect.WinEffect":
The new effect will automatically become available in the Settings dialog.