change format of ObjectMove from (axis,rowBitmap,bareAngle) to (axis,rowBitmap,angleInDegrees)
improvements to the API
compiles now
bugfix in SolverActivity and speedup in MoveProviderAlgs
make it possible to see touched cubit and face.
change one of objlib's APIs from 'onReplaceModeUP/Down' (which only comes when TouchControl is in REPLACE mode) to 'onStickerTouched/Untouched' (which reports the same thing, but comes always)
Properly define and separate the interface between the App and the 'solver' part of the objectlib. Move the 'position verifiers' to the objectlib.
Integration of the Algorithmic solvers into the App.
Restructuring for the solvers in the app.
corrections for glowing.
Glow cubits involved in the phase.
Step towards glowing cubits involved in a phase.
Progress with PhasedSolver app.
SolverKilominx finished.
Add possibility to select different solvers.
More for Solver Kilominx
Improvements to the Phased Solver app
Beginnings of SolverKilominx
Introduce SolutionListener interface which permits to send solutions phase-by-phase. Time time keeping to the app.
Improve the Phased Solver App (show phases)
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