up version to 2.2.1, update the About dialog.
up versionCode to 96
Move all the strings from objlib to the app.Upgrade AGP from 8.1.4 to 8.3.2
Bump version to 2.2.0, About dialog.
improve the way Crazy Puzzles are done: JSON files
We no longer support Android 5.0 and 5.1 - min SDK upped to 23 (for reasons due to Google Play - they require this in order for the 'automated integrity protection')
Bump to version 2.1.1 ; About dialog.
System library issue.
UPgrade firebase BOM to the version which supports sessions.
up version to 93
Make the default UI color scheme be GREENUp versino to 2.1.0About dialog: new & todo
Enforce AGP 8.1.4 (with AGP 8.2.2 the release build mysteriously crashes out with VerifyError!)
Move settings form the project-level to the app gradle.
AboutDialogbump version to 2.0.2
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
up code version to 90
bump to version 2.0.1
correct api paths
Next step toward separating TwistyObject metadata.
up code version to 88.
Major progress to version 2.0.0.
Cleanups in the Activities.
Unify the (small,medium,big,huge) UI graphics.
About Dialog; up version to 1.13.4
ask for reviews morebump to 1.13.3
bump to 1.13.2; about dialog
bump version to 1.13.1
"About" dialog & up the version to 1.13.0
Create Tablebase in a separate thread.
build for API 34.
up versionCode to 81.
up versionCode to 80.
Upgrade to 1.12.7
One more bugfix
Up code version to 77
up code version to 76
up code version to 75.
Move the interaction with touchscreen to the OSInterface
Move the OSInterface to a separate module
Pyraminx Diamond solver: Abstract version finished.
Up target SDK back to 33.
Rollback to targetSDK 32 as we are still not able to upload 33-built app to the Play Store without Google complaining about AD_ID.
Up to version 1.12.5Update the About dialog.Target API 33.
Up version to 1.12.4, what's new.
Whats new
Bump to 1.12.2
Up version to 1.12.1
What's new dialogBump version to 1.12.0
Released 1.11.6 version
Up version to 1.11.6
The 'stars earned' effect is done. Works only for newStars>0.Also, there is a crash in the graphics driver on my physical LG phone.
Reinstall the latest Android Studio, latest gradle; reconfigure all project to match and compile.
Switch off marking objects as free and bought in RubikObjectListUp compileSdkVerion to 32 (dependency forces us to do so)
inc num of stars on each first recordup version name to 1.11.4
Bump to 1.11.3
Bump to 1.11.2
Bump to 1.11.1
Add Firebase Cloud Messaging and Firebase In-App Messaging
include newest libraries.
Bump to 1.11.0
Optimize the FreePlay screen; bump to 1.10.6
Bump version to 1.10.5
Bump app version to 1.10.4
one more crash fix and a bump to 1.10.3
Bump to 1.10.2
Bump to 1.10.1
Bump version to 1.10.0Add Trajber 4x4, Mirror 4x4, Axis, Fisher, Pyramorphix to the list of built-in objects.
Bump version to 1.9.8
Bump version to 1.9.7
Bump version to 1.9.6
bump version to 1.9.5
Bump version to 1.9.4
Up version to 1.9.3
Up the version to 1.9.2
progress with UI.
Up versions of the dependencies.
Correct order of the tutorials.
Move the main app to the 'J1M1' object creation mode, i.e. create them from the Json files and using the Dmesh fiels as well.
Make it possible for any app descending from the 'objectlib' to use any of the J0M0, J0M1, J1M0, J1M1 modes.
Simplify dependancies.
Bump versionCode to 42 (forgotten before)
Correct location of the keystore.
Up version to 1.9.0
Remove all the flags - those are now in a separate module
Remove all files that have been separated into a new library 'objectlib'
Refactoring: split the 'objects' package into two, 'objects' and 'objectlib'.The point: we're going to need to move the 'objectlib' stuff into its own library module, and that's because we're going to create a new app module which needs access to it.
Up version to 1.8.6
Bump version to 1.8.5
up library versions.
Up version to 1.8.4
We've got lots of bugfixes, some 400 new Pretty Patterns.
Bump version to 1.8.3
Squares: add meshes.Bump version to 1.8.2
Bump version to 1.8.1.