remove references to PurchaseActivity from manifest.
call setTheme before super() on all activities onCreate()
Initial support for configuring the stickers.
rename the 'Config' package to 'Info'
Progress with PlayActivity
Initial support for the new Pattern Dialog.
Version 2.0: add Solver Activity.
Major progress with version 2.0.0.
Major progress to version 2.0.0.
Reinstall the latest Android Studio, latest gradle; reconfigure all project to match and compile.
IAP part 5: new 'Purchase' activity.
Add Firebase Cloud Messaging and Firebase In-App Messaging
- we need to export the main activity- we need to detect if the downloaded JSON is corrupt and if yes, do not save it.
Stop exporting the activities.
Beginnings of support for UI used to create any bandaged 3x3.
Beginnings of the ConfigActivity.
Up the version to 1.9.2
Rename packages
Progress creating the Tutorial Activity.
New 'tutorial' activity.
Explicitly declare support for large screens in the Manifest.
New meshes for the Diamond and the Pyraminxes.
Lock screen orientation to portrait.
Report a Crashlytics non-fatal if we fail to compile some shaders.
Remove the 'touchscreen required = false' from the manifest (because or a bug in Samsung App Store - it marks such apps as incompatible with any device)
Switch off Crashlytics in DEBUG builds.
1) Relax requirements as to OpenGL ES ( now only 3.0 required )2) fix a crash in Solving state
Minor tweaks to the 'Prev' buton in Solving state;Relax requirements in the Manifest - now only 'android.hardware.faketouch' supporting device is required, i.e. something that supports basic point-click-drag-unclick. No need for full 'android.hardware.touchscreen' thing with its multitouch silliness.
More support for the 3x3x3 Solver: more of the actual 3x3x3 solver mechanism.
Downloading High Scores: actually downloading scores!
New module: Rubik App. Initial commit.