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magiccube / src / main / AndroidManifest.xml @ 432a5f2c

# Date Author Comment
a59f38d6 07/13/2022 01:07 PM Leszek Koltunski

Add Firebase Cloud Messaging and Firebase In-App Messaging

05fb345c 07/12/2022 06:19 PM Leszek Koltunski

- we need to export the main activity
- we need to detect if the downloaded JSON is corrupt and if yes, do not save it.

b1e796f1 07/12/2022 04:08 PM Leszek Koltunski

Stop exporting the activities.

9530f6b0 03/18/2022 10:59 AM Leszek Koltunski

Beginnings of support for UI used to create any bandaged 3x3.

1237d25d 11/24/2021 05:36 PM Leszek Koltunski

Beginnings of the ConfigActivity.

69338cfb 11/23/2021 02:08 PM Leszek Koltunski

Up the version to 1.9.2

eaf87d1d 04/14/2021 09:51 AM Leszek Koltunski

Rename packages

61387e4f 11/18/2020 11:26 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress creating the Tutorial Activity.

67eee83e 10/28/2020 12:01 AM Leszek Koltunski

New 'tutorial' activity.

af88bf2e 10/27/2020 12:15 AM Leszek Koltunski

New 'tutorial' activity.

c7057b43 10/20/2020 11:47 PM Leszek Koltunski

Explicitly declare support for large screens in the Manifest.

30fdccf8 09/28/2020 01:54 PM Leszek Koltunski

New meshes for the Diamond and the Pyraminxes.

50c66e3d 06/18/2020 11:13 AM Leszek Koltunski

Lock screen orientation to portrait.

1ef09d49 05/27/2020 11:43 AM Leszek Koltunski

Report a Crashlytics non-fatal if we fail to compile some shaders.

4fd84652 05/03/2020 09:39 PM Leszek Koltunski

Remove the 'touchscreen required = false' from the manifest (because or a bug in Samsung App Store - it marks such apps as incompatible with any device)

4026e706 04/25/2020 05:57 PM Leszek Koltunski

Switch off Crashlytics in DEBUG builds.

8fcd8cba 04/13/2020 10:37 AM Leszek Koltunski

1) Relax requirements as to OpenGL ES ( now only 3.0 required )
2) fix a crash in Solving state

86cbdab1 04/12/2020 12:06 PM Leszek Koltunski

Minor tweaks to the 'Prev' buton in Solving state;
Relax requirements in the Manifest - now only 'android.hardware.faketouch' supporting device is required, i.e. something that supports basic point-click-drag-unclick. No need for full 'android.hardware.touchscreen' thing with its multitouch silliness.

1f9772f3 04/05/2020 02:10 PM Leszek Koltunski

More support for the 3x3x3 Solver: more of the actual 3x3x3 solver mechanism.

36e2cbdd 02/11/2020 12:49 AM Leszek Koltunski

Downloading High Scores: actually downloading scores!

0c52af30 04/09/2019 08:27 PM Leszek Koltunski

New module: Rubik App. Initial commit.