Convert 'buy whole app' to 'buy all puzzles'
Add Stars to the main menu.
Dialog 'buy stars'
Purchase Pane: resources.
Stars dialog: chinese translations.
improve the stars dialog.
Stars: introductory dialog explaining the concept of stars.
Beginnings of support for 'Overlays': first overlay will be the rotating star which little stars fly to when one solves a level for the first time.
IAP part 5: new 'Purchase' activity (cont'd)
Make error reporting in the Solver a bit better.
Correct the leaderboard. Still, the 'MAX' level does noot work!
Progress with central menu popup.
Stop giving different app names in different languages.Remove the licensing info from the About Dialog.
New 'Free Play' screen.
Improve the bandaged scramble settings dialog.
BandagedPlay: configurable mode and scramble depth
BandagedPlay: dialog
Bandaged 3x3: translations.
Bandaged 3x3 UI: translations for the dialog
Beginnings of support for UI used to create any bandaged 3x3.
Support for saving the downloaded JSONs in local data storage.
Beginnings of support for saving the downloaded JSONs in local data storage.
progress with the Updates: download the jsons.
Downloading updates: dialog progress.
Progress downloading updates: dialog title.
Exchange 'Simple' for 'Fast' in the config page.
Progress with Config UI.
Progress with ConfigScreen.
Add a 'give up' dialog - if one made at least 10 moves when solving and presses a 'back' button, one needs to confirm.
Control the Cube: beginnings.
Always use only (max) 10 levels - (max) 9 'initial' Levels + Full Scramble.
New translations.
Progress creating the Tutorial Activity.
Translations of the 'tutorial' string.
Solving time - display it more accurately.
Rename SizeChange to ObjectChange.bump version to 1.2.2
New Traditional and Simplified Chinese translations.