Change the series of Object buttons in the Play state into a PopupWindow.
Implement a new Dialog, SetName.
Beginnings of submitting one's high scores.
Adjust rotation speed depending on the row (important in case of Pyraminx - there the top little tetrahedron must rotate much faster than the bottom big layer )
Add the 'New Record' dialog.
Add the 'Solved' dialog.
Many small improvements.
Progress with StateSolving
Beginnings of the 'Solving' state.
Major rearrangement of the UI.
Making the Dialogs more consistent.
Downloading High Scores
Skeleton of a new dialog: High Scores
Add a 5x5x5 cube.
RubikCube: further fixes
RubikCube: add skeleton WinEffects (for now only one effect - 'Spin' copied from Solve)
RubikCube: major progress with a separate RubikSettingsEnum enum - has been introduced into RubikSettings.
Add a skeleton of ScrambleEffects
- adjust SizeChangeEffects- implement first two UnscrambleEffects
Add Unscramble Effects to the UI.
Progress with UI.
Progress with Credits and Settings.
New RubikSettings dialog.
rename 'credits' to 'settings'
New module: Rubik App. Initial commit.