Unify scrambling across all 4 bandaged objects.
Preparation for unification of scrambling. Scrambling of all objects will be done by a generic funtion, only fed a certain data structure by the objects. The data structure is going to be the ScrambleStateGraph - a directed state graph of all states we can come across while scrambling....
auto-compute the bandaged status from dimension of the CENTERS. Make 'computeBitmapFromRow' generic for bandageed and not bandaged objects.
Remove the last 'isSolved()' (from Dino4) and put it to the parent class as a special case.
Standarize the 'isSolved()' method: now all objects, except one (Dino4) have a standard isSolved().This incidentally also fixes detection of the solved state in case of Diamond4, i.e. a Master FTO.
Come back to creating the objects from mesh.
Add flag of Madagascar.
Make the 3x3 and 4x4 Diamond meshes smaller.
Finally remove cubit creation from the implementation classes and move it to the TwistyObject.
Convert the last object, Skewb Ultimate, to the new scheme.
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