Correct rotations of the Pyraminx - eliminate one cse when three consecutive rotations collapse into one.
Separate the notion of maxLevel (in DB) [which has to stay backwards-compatible with previous versions of the app] and 'numScrambles' - the number of times an objects gets scrambled in the 'full scramble' mode. Now the second can be whatever we want without breaking backwards compatibility.
Improve scrambling of the Minx'es and the Redi, which in full scramble mode were frequently leaving large corners unscrambled.
Preparation for 'smart scrambling' : introduce the total number of scrambles to the 'randomizeNewScramble' function.
Correct the way we overlay our (possibly) better local (i.e. unsubmitted yet or submitted, but not picked up by the 'clean_db' cron job) records on top of the DB records ini the 'Scores' dialog.
Fix the fact that in the last, 'Full Scramble' level, it wouldn't switch on the green light.
Minx'es: fix for the automatic rotations.
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