27 |
27 |
28 |
28 |
29 |
29 |
"Vertical Axis (2 Colors)",
30 |
"3 Small Gates [1]: 380 604 284 604 540 604 636",
31 |
"3 Small Gates [2]: 380 348 284 348 540 348 636",
32 |
"3 Small Gates [3]: 606 632 542 632 286 632 350",
33 |
"3 Small Gates [4]: 606 376 542 376 286 376 350",
34 |
"3 Small Gates [5]: 382 600 286 600 542 600 638",
35 |
"3 Small Gates [6]: 382 344 286 344 542 344 638",
36 |
"3 Small Double Gates [1]: 382 578 600 280 578 536 578 258 600 514 600 638",
37 |
"3 Small Double Gates [2]: 382 344 258 344 514 322 280 322 536 322 344 638",
38 |
"3 Small Double Gates [3]: 606 632 514 632 258 612 516 612 260 636 350",
39 |
"3 Small Double Gates [4]: 606 380 516 356 260 356 514 376 258 376 350",
40 |
"3 Small Double Gates [5]: 382 604 260 580 516 580 258 600 514 600 638",
41 |
"3 Small Double Gates [6]: 382 344 258 344 514 324 260 324 516 348 638",
42 |
"3 Small Triple Gates [1]: 382 606 280 578 536 578 260 580 516 580 258 600 514 600 638",
43 |
"3 Small Triple Gates [2]: 382 344 258 344 514 324 260 324 516 322 280 322 536 350 638",
44 |
"4 Jewels [1]: 286 638 350 574 542 632 606 318 638 286 606 536 350",
45 |
"4 Jewels [2]: 606 280 350 542 382 574 350 376 286 318 606 382 542",
46 |
"3 Dots (Corners) [1]: 520 606 536 350 536 606 536 350",
47 |
"3 Dots (Corners) [2]: 606 280 350 280 606 280 350 264",
48 |
"3 Dots (Centres) [1]: 578 354 514 354 258 610 514 354 258 354 322",
49 |
"3 Dots (Centres) [2]: 578 610 514 610 258 354 514 610 258 610 322",
50 |
"3 Dots (Middle Centres) [1]: 546 604 318 354 540 546 284 610 572 348",
51 |
"3 Dots (Middle Centres) [2]: 604 316 354 540 290 284 610 574 348 290",
52 |
"3 Jewels [1]: 536 606 536 350 536 606 536 350",
53 |
"3 Jewels [2]: 606 280 350 280 606 280 350 280",
54 |
"3 Big Jewels [1]: 604 542 348 542 604 542 348 542 578 290 322 574 514 546 258 318",
55 |
"3 Big Jewels [2]: 574 514 290 258 318 578 546 322 286 604 286 348 286 604 286 348",
30 |
"3 Small Gates: 604 636 540 636 284 636 348",
31 |
"3 Small Gates: 604 380 540 380 284 380 348",
32 |
"3 Small Gates: 606 632 542 632 286 632 350",
33 |
"3 Small Gates: 606 376 542 376 286 376 350",
34 |
"3 Small Gates: 382 600 286 600 542 600 638",
35 |
"3 Small Gates: 382 344 286 344 542 344 638",
36 |
"3 Small Double Gates: 382 578 600 280 578 536 578 258 600 514 600 638",
37 |
"3 Small Double Gates: 382 344 258 344 514 322 280 322 536 322 344 638",
38 |
"3 Small Double Gates: 606 632 514 632 258 612 516 612 260 636 350",
39 |
"3 Small Double Gates: 606 380 516 356 260 356 514 376 258 376 350",
40 |
"3 Small Double Gates: 382 604 260 580 516 580 258 600 514 600 638",
41 |
"3 Small Double Gates: 382 344 258 344 514 324 260 324 516 348 638",
42 |
"3 Small Triple Gates: 382 606 280 578 536 578 260 580 516 580 258 600 514 600 638",
43 |
"3 Small Triple Gates: 382 344 258 344 514 324 260 324 516 322 280 322 536 350 638",
44 |
"3 Gates: 382 606 286 606 542 606 518 638 518 382 518 638 518",
45 |
"3 Gates: 262 382 262 638 262 382 262 350 286 350 542 350 638",
46 |
"4 Jewels: 286 638 350 574 542 632 606 318 638 286 606 536 350",
47 |
"4 Jewels: 606 280 350 542 382 574 350 376 286 318 606 382 542",
48 |
"3 Fir Trees: 604 636 540 636 284 636 348 542",
49 |
"3 Fir Trees: 604 380 540 380 284 380 348 286",
50 |
"3 Fir Trees: 382 606 286 606 542 606 518 638 518 382 518 638 542",
51 |
"3 Fir Trees: 286 382 262 638 262 382 262 350 286 350 542 350 638",
52 |
"3 Eyes (2x2x2): 606 280 350 280 606 280 350",
53 |
"3 Eyes (2x2x2): 606 536 350 536 606 536 350",
54 |
"3 Eyes (3x3x3): 604 284 348 284 604 284 348",
55 |
"3 Eyes (3x3x3): 604 540 348 540 604 540 348",
56 |
"3 Eyes (4x4x4): 600 286 344 286 600 286 344",
57 |
"3 Eyes (4x4x4): 600 542 344 542 600 542 344",
58 |
"Ring (2x2x2): 520",
59 |
"Ring (2x2x2): 264",
60 |
"Ring (3x3x3): 516",
61 |
"Ring (3x3x3): 260",
62 |
"Ring (4x4x4): 514",
63 |
"Ring (4x4x4): 258",
64 |
"3 Dots (Corners): 520 606 536 350 536 606 536 350",
65 |
"3 Dots (Corners): 606 280 350 280 606 280 350 264",
66 |
"3 Dots (Centres): 578 354 514 354 258 610 514 354 258 354 322",
67 |
"3 Dots (Centres): 578 610 514 610 258 354 514 610 258 610 322",
68 |
"3 Dots (Middle Centres): 546 604 318 354 540 546 284 610 572 348",
69 |
"3 Dots (Middle Centres): 604 316 354 540 290 284 610 574 348 290",
70 |
"3 Big Dots: (542 582 286 582)2",
71 |
"3 Big Dots: (326 542 326 286)2",
72 |
"3 Jewels: (350 536 606 536)2",
73 |
"3 Jewels: (280 350 280 606)2",
74 |
"3 Big Jewels: (604 542 348 542)2 578 290 322 574 514 546 258 318",
75 |
"3 Big Jewels: 574 514 290 258 318 578 546 322 (286 604 286 348)2",
76 |
"Pyramid in a Pyramid (1x1x1): 528",
77 |
"Pyramid in a Pyramid (1x1x1): 272",
78 |
"Pyramid in a Pyramid (2x2x2): 536",
79 |
"Pyramid in a Pyramid (2x2x2): 280",
80 |
"Pyramid in a Pyramid (3x3x3): 540",
81 |
"Pyramid in a Pyramid (3x3x3): 284",
82 |
"Pyramid in a Pyramid (4x4x4): 542",
83 |
"Pyramid in a Pyramid (4x4x4): 286",
84 |
"(Pyramid in a)3 Pyramid: 516 528",
85 |
"(Pyramid in a)3 Pyramid: 260 272",
86 |
"(Pyramid in a)4 Pyramid: 514 520",
87 |
"(Pyramid in a)4 Pyramid: 258 264",
56 |
88 |
57 |
89 |
58 |
90 |
59 |
91 |
"Vertical Axis (3 Colors)",
60 |
"4 Jewels [1]: 638 286 312 286 574 382 606 286 376 286 638 350",
61 |
"4 Jewels [2]: 606 382 542 632 542 350 638 318 542 568 542 382",
62 |
"3 Peaks [1]: 638 286 612 542 574 382 324 578 638 318 286 354 542 382 280 322 280 578 280 322 280 578",
63 |
"3 Peaks [2]: 638 286 610 542 574 382 580 322 638 318 286 356 542 382 322 536 578 536 322 536 578 536",
92 |
"3 Small Double Gates: 382 600 286 600 542 600 382 312 542 312 286 312 382",
93 |
"3 Small Double Gates: 606 632 542 632 286 632 606 312 286 312 542 312 606",
94 |
"3 Gates: 382 606 286 606 542 606 580 260 580 516 580 518 638 518 382 518 638 518",
95 |
"3 Gates: 262 382 262 638 262 382 262 324 260 324 516 324 350 286 350 542 350 638",
96 |
"4 Jewels: 638 286 312 286 574 382 606 286 376 286 638 350",
97 |
"4 Jewels: 606 382 542 632 542 350 638 318 542 568 542 382",
98 |
"3 Big Dots: 542 582 286 582 542 582 286 580 290 350 610 318 514 574 258 354 606 514 578 546",
99 |
"3 Big Dots: 290 322 258 350 610 514 318 258 574 354 606 546 324 542 326 286 326 542 326 286",
100 |
"3 Peaks: 638 286 612 542 574 382 324 578 638 318 286 354 542 382 (280 322 280 578)2",
101 |
"3 Peaks: 638 286 610 542 574 382 580 322 638 318 286 356 542 382 (322 536 578 536)2",
102 |
"(Pyramid in a)2 Pyramid: 520 272",
103 |
"(Pyramid in a)2 Pyramid: 264 528",
64 |
104 |
65 |
105 |
66 |
106 |
67 |
107 |
"Swap (2 Faces)",
68 |
"4 Dots [1]: 290 514 546 286 354 258 610 542",
69 |
"4 Dots [2]: 546 258 290 542 578 514 322 286",
70 |
"4 Dots [3]: 542 322 514 578 286 290 258 546",
71 |
"4 Dots [4]: 286 610 258 354 542 546 514 290",
108 |
"2 Eyes: 540 572 540 636 316 380 604 540 348",
109 |
"4 Dots: 290 514 546 286 354 258 610 542",
110 |
"4 Dots: 546 258 290 542 578 514 322 286",
111 |
"4 Dots: 542 322 514 578 286 290 258 546",
112 |
"4 Dots: 286 610 258 354 542 546 514 290",
72 |
113 |
73 |
114 |
74 |
115 |
75 |
116 |
"Swap (4 Faces)",
76 |
"Fat Anaconda: 542 638 286 638 318 638 574",
117 |
"4 Small Gates: 316 284 636 540 380 572",
118 |
"4 Small Gates: 572 540 348 284 604 316",
119 |
"4 Gates: 382 574 350 318 606 638",
120 |
"4 Gates: 606 318 638 574 382 350",
121 |
"4 Edge Wheels: 636 540 636 316 604 284 636 572 348",
122 |
"4 Double Edge Wheels: 638 542 638 318 606 286 638 574 344 294 358 518 326 550 358 262 358",
123 |
"4 Triple Edge Wheels: 638 542 638 318 606 286 638 574 344 294 358 518 326 550 358 258 612 292 580 260 612 548 324 354",
124 |
"Fat Anaconda: 638 542 382 542 350 542 606",
125 |
"4 Double Wedge Wheels: 582 294 358 518 326 550 358 258 612 292 580 260 612 548 324 354 542 382 286 638 318 382 542 638 286 574",
126 |
"4 Double Wedge Wheels, 4 Dots: 582 294 358 518 326 550 358 258 612 292 580 260 612 548 324 354 322 546 578 290 514 546 322 290 578 540 382 286 638 318 382 542 638 286 574",
127 |
"4 Double Wedge Wheels, 4 Big Dots: 574 382 318 638 582 382 574 638 318 294 358 518 326 550 358 258 612 292 580 260 612 548 324 354",
128 |
"4 Large Edge Wheels: 286 382 286 638 350 638 606 286 638 318 638 574",
77 |
129 |
"4 Dots: 610 258 354 514 578 258 610 514 354 322",
78 |
130 |
"4 Big Dots: 638 286 382 542 606 286 638 542 382 350",
131 |
"4 Checkered Big Dots: (514 610 258 354)2 514 354 290 578 258 610 546 322",
79 |
132 |
"4 Jewels: 382 350 574 542 350 382 542 574 382 350 574 542",
133 |
"Triangular Grid: 638 542 638 318 606 286 638 574 344 294 358 518 326 550 358 262 358 (514 610 258 354)2 514 354 290 578 258 610 546 322",
134 |
"4 Checkered Hexagons: 638 542 638 318 606 286 638 574 344 294 358 518 326 550 358 258 612 292 580 260 612 548 324 290 354 546 258 290 610 546 354 284 606 542 350 318 606 286 350 542 574",
80 |
135 |
81 |
136 |
82 |
137 |
83 |
138 |
"Flips and Twists",
84 |
"2 Edge Flips (rf) (fl): 324 612 580 382 516 356 260 638",
85 |
"2 Edge Flips (lr) (fd): 574 324 548 580 318 612 292 356",
86 |
"Superflip: 604 380 540 604 380 540 604 380 540",
139 |
"2 Edge Flips (rf) (fl): 636 348 380 604 284 604 540 348",
140 |
"2 Edge Flips (lr) (fd): 540 380 540 636 284 604 284 348",
141 |
"4 Edge Flips (lr) (fd) (ld) (rd): 540 636 348 316 540 604 316 540 380 316",
142 |
"4 Edge Flips (rf) (fl) (ld) (rd): 284 380 604 540 380 604 316 380 604 572",
143 |
"Superflip: (540 604 380)3",
87 |
144 |
"2 Double Edge Flips (rf) (fl): 344 358 536 638 536 606 536 326 376",
88 |
145 |
"2 Double Edge Flips (lr) (fd): 382 376 294 536 574 536 638 536 358 312 638",
89 |
146 |
"4 Double Edge Flips (lr) (fd) (ld) (rd): 280 326 632 606 632 542 632 262 550 280 318 280 350 280 582 568",
90 |
147 |
"Double Edge Superflip: 280 358 568 638 568 542 568 262 550 344 318 344 382 344 638 582 280 350 280 382 280 614 600 568",
91 |
148 |
"2 Triple Edge Flips (rf) (fl): 344 358 536 638 536 606 536 326 376 324 612 580 382 516 356 260 638",
92 |
149 |
"2 Triple Edge Flips (lr) (fd): 382 376 294 536 574 536 638 536 358 316 542 324 516 580 286 548 260 638",
150 |
"Triple Edge Superflip: 284 580 612 260 580 612 260 580 354 568 638 568 542 568 262 550 344 318 344 382 344 638 582 280 350 280 382 280 614 600 568",
151 |
"Double Wedge Superflip: (350 318 542)2 350 318 514 580 612 260 580 612 260 580 354 568 638 568 542 568 262 550 344 318 344 382 344 638 582 280 350 280 382 280 614 600 568",
152 |
"2 Deep Edge Flips (lr) (fd): 542 638 350 382 606 382 542 638 542",
153 |
"2 Deep Checkered Edge Flips (lr) (fd): 322 546 578 290 514 546 322 290 578 540 382 286 638 574 382 542 638 286 318 382 376 294 536 574 536 638 536 358 316 542 324 516 580 286 548 260 638",
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
"Impossible Patterns",
158 |
"4 Chessboards: 638 542 638 318 606 286 638 574 344 294 358 518 326 550 358 258 612 292 580 260 612 548 324 290 354 546 258 290 610 546 354 284 606 542 350 318 606 286 350 542 574",
93 |
159 |
94 |
160 |
95 |
161 |
Update the Pyraminx5 pretty patterns.