Introduce InitData, a data structure used to initialize a TwistyObject.Current (optional) members: int[] numLayers, int param [intended: type of the Crazy 3x3 planet], float[][] pos [position of a bandaged cube] )
Improve two things in the BandagedCreator:
- when one minimizes the app and re-maximizes it, now the app remembers the state of the bandaged cube being created- when one minimizes the app while one of th cubits is marked, it no longer gets marked the second time on re-maximizaton (which was the reason why some cubits sometimes couldn't be unmarked).
Correct a crasher.
Finally fix the bad bug where people could submit impossible records!
Generalize the max number of moving parts and max size of quat group.
Correctly compute bandaged icon's projection angle.
Bump to 1.10.2
Bugfix for a crasher
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