


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

magiccube / src / main / java @ a8aa49dc

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# Date Author Comment
a8aa49dc 04/28/2022 01:42 AM Leszek Koltunski

Bandaged: progress.

8d10f7b8 04/28/2022 01:23 AM Leszek Koltunski

Bandaged: progress.

826abd80 04/27/2022 10:50 PM Leszek Koltunski

Bandaged: progress.

b9d062cf 04/27/2022 06:34 PM Leszek Koltunski

Bandaged: progress.

16663e27 04/25/2022 11:53 PM Leszek Koltunski

Bandaged: generalize the FactoryBandagedCubit to be able to create bandaged cubits of any cuboid NxMxK where 1<=N,M,K<=5.

e5c9982e 04/25/2022 09:43 AM Leszek Koltunski

Bandaged 3x3: Improve looks

1d4592a2 04/25/2022 09:24 AM Leszek Koltunski

Bandaged 3x3: Improve joining cubits

707f79ff 04/24/2022 10:51 PM Leszek Koltunski

Actually remove preferences of a deleted bandaged cube in a safe way.

85770de9 04/24/2022 09:41 PM Leszek Koltunski


41a5dd89 04/24/2022 04:54 PM Leszek Koltunski

If we're updating an object, and it is the current object, reload it immediatelly so that the new version appears by itself.

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