common code from all activities to one BaseActivity
call setTheme before super() on all activities onCreate()
beginnings of support for barrel-shaped objects.
Enforce AGP 8.1.4 (with AGP 8.2.2 the release build mysteriously crashes out with VerifyError!)
Move settings form the project-level to the app gradle.
3 message dialogs.
AboutDialogbump version to 2.0.2
If an object is re-stickered so that there are less colors on its faces than originally - also do not remember those records locally at all.
If an object is re-stickered so that there are less colors on its faces than originally, block submitting records.
Objects can support or not changing colors of their stickers.
New TwistyObject API to only restore the stickers, and not the object positions.
Color unification complete: 24 standard colors.
Beginnings of color unification
Restore the colors and sticker properties from Preferences.
Save the colors and sticker properties to Preferences.
progress with configurable stickers
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