Correct height of the tutorial dialog.
Add Mirror 2x2 tutorials.
Increase NODE_RATIO, i.e. the height/width ratio of the DistortedNode behind the object (before with 1.4, if one scrambled the Mirror Cube and made it the largest possible, corners were cut off form the top and bottom)
Mirror Cubes: re-enable meshes; update meshes.
Mirror Cubes: make them still more off-center.
Mirror Cubes: make them a bit more off-center.
Mirror Cubes: add meshes and icons.
Add Mirror Cube 2x2 and 3x3.
Make object scrambling abstract (well, almost - with exception of Square-1 - this theoretically could also be done the generic way, but this would require almost 20000 'ScrambleStates')
Some more debugs for the case when the UI is blocked.
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