Progress with new UI
Progress witth new UI.
Progress with lower pane of the Play state.
New UI
A few code improvements.
Bump version to 1.10.5
Make the 4 built-in BandagedCuboids use the introduced InitData concept and remove all specific bandaged object classes.
Introduce InitData, a data structure used to initialize a TwistyObject.Current (optional) members: int[] numLayers, int param [intended: type of the Crazy 3x3 planet], float[][] pos [position of a bandaged cube] )
Bump app version to 1.10.4
Improve two things in the BandagedCreator:
- when one minimizes the app and re-maximizes it, now the app remembers the state of the bandaged cube being created- when one minimizes the app while one of th cubits is marked, it no longer gets marked the second time on re-maximizaton (which was the reason why some cubits sometimes couldn't be unmarked).
Correct a crasher.
Finally fix the bad bug where people could submit impossible records!
Generalize the max number of moving parts and max size of quat group.
one more crash fix and a bump to 1.10.3
Correctly compute bandaged icon's projection angle.
Bump to 1.10.2
Bugfix for a crasher
Slightely improve the locally-creeated bandaged cuboid icon.
Set the right default.
Improve the bandaged scramble settings dialog.
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