



From 04/02/2020 to 05/01/2020


11:07 PM Revision 8392dc7b (examples): Convert the third app, Transparency, to the new MeshBase.setStretch-less API ( use VertexEffectScale instead )
Leszek Koltunski
12:07 PM Revision 4867b578 (examples): Convert the second app, Flag, to the new MeshBase.setStretch-less API ( use VertexEffectScale instead )
Leszek Koltunski
11:28 AM Revision e3c87517 (examples): Convert the first app, Inflate, to the new MeshBase.setStretch-less API ( use VertexEffectScale instead )
Leszek Koltunski


10:13 PM Revision fc286c71 (examples): fix for centers of Matrix effects.
Leszek Koltunski
09:32 PM Revision 073c140a (examples): new VertexEffectShear
Leszek Koltunski
09:32 PM Revision 00be51f0 (library): new VertexEffectShear
Leszek Koltunski
08:09 PM Revision 60da87db (examples): new VertexEffectScale
Leszek Koltunski
08:09 PM Revision a918bba1 (library): new VertexEffectScale
Leszek Koltunski
07:59 PM Revision 30d07491 (library): bugfix for VertexEffectRotate
Leszek Koltunski
03:35 PM Revision 9f34a0f6 (library): new VertexEffectRotate
Leszek Koltunski
03:35 PM Revision ad98c3cb (examples): new VertexEffectRotate
Leszek Koltunski


12:18 AM Revision 4282d39a (examples): Add the first two VERTEX 'pseudo-matrix' effects: VERTEX_MOVE & VERTEX_QUATERNION i.e. implementations of those two MATRIX effects in VERTEX queue.
The point(s):
1) preparation for the upcoming MeshBase.preApply(VertexEffect effect) API that's going to supersede t...
Leszek Koltunski
12:18 AM Revision e979d285 (library): Add the first two VERTEX 'pseudo-matrix' effects: VERTEX_MOVE & VERTEX_QUATERNION i.e. implementations of those two MATRIX effects in VERTEX queue.
The point(s):
1) preparation for the upcoming MeshBase.preApply(VertexEffect effect) API that's going to supersede t...
Leszek Koltunski
06:25 PM Revision f482efa3 (library): Do not crash if we failed to compile some programs.
Leszek Koltunski


09:56 PM Revision f7718354 (library): Do not allow more than 15 characters in the NAME.
Leszek Koltunski


08:22 PM Revision 2fad84a7 (examples): Move to AndroidX, target API level 29.
Leszek Koltunski
08:22 PM Revision f1c2d4b0 (library): Move to AndroidX, target API level 29.
Leszek Koltunski
10:31 AM Revision b7074bc6 (library): Lower requirements - now only OpenGL ES 3.0 is required; if running on such platform, OIT part of the API ( which is the only one which actually requires 3.1) is switched off.
Leszek Koltunski


11:43 PM Revision e3473e86 (examples): Minor.
Leszek Koltunski
09:10 PM Revision 59e5fc3f (examples): We need to add app version to build.gradle - otherwise the resulting dex file cannot be opened by Fire Stick!
Leszek Koltunski


10:18 PM Revision e172985c (library): Progress implementing RubikCube.retObjectString()
Leszek Koltunski


06:39 PM Revision 7e53a35f (library): Bugfixes in MeshBase:
1) improper buffer was being invalidated after apply and setTextureMap (TFO rather than VBO!)
2) setTextureMap would ...
Leszek Koltunski
02:10 PM Revision d917f059 (library): More support for the 3x3x3 Solver: more of the actual 3x3x3 solver mechanism.
Leszek Koltunski


12:31 PM Revision 66103fb2 (library): Speedup: only allocate one postprocessing buffer set of the quality we need, not all in one go.
Leszek Koltunski

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