Some progress with Fragment3D app - doesn't compile yet!
New Fragment3D app.
Improve the Vertex3D app some more.
Revert the Cubes App.
some improvements for the way we test DistortedObjects.
minor stuff in layouts
Vertex3D: add configurable center
Progress with Vertex3D
Skeleton of the new App: Vertex3D. So far just a copy of Matrix3D.
Rename Effects3D to Matrix3D
Effects2D almost finished.
More progress with Effects2D app.
Upgrade what used to be the 'Scratchpad' app; step 2: reorganize layout
Upgrade what used to be the 'Scratchpad' app; step 1: rename.
Further reduce the distortedObject's API - now only 26 methods, 1/4 of the 104 before the reorganization.
Beginnings of support for the 'Save' app.
Initial commit