new app 'TwoComponents' : apply a postprocessing effect to only part of a Mesh (a single vertex component)
build for API 34.
New Flat Blur unit test.
Change the Sink app. The point: test Sink effect at extreme strengths.
Progress with the MeshFile app.
Improve the Blur App to catch the bug where a small part of the Blur (and Glow) halo gets displayed on the other edge of the surface.
Skeleton of a new App: MeshFile
new app icons; skeleton of reading/write a Mesh from/to a file.
Skeleton of the SingleMesh app.
Skeleton of the new app: Deferred Jobs.
Progress with MeshJoin.
Beginnings of a new 'Predeform' app which tests pre-applying a queue of Vertex Effects to a (single?) Mesh.So far just a copy of Inflate app.
Move to AndroidX, target API level 29.
Port Girl to the new setStretch-less API.
Merge branch 'empty-matrix-effects-in-the-center' into modern-empty-matrix-effects-in-the-center
New API: MeshBase.join() and a skeleton of an App to test it.
Dynamics App: add checking a Dynamic4D.
Add the 'convexity' param to Dynamics and the Dynamic app.
Dynamic App: add Toast.
1. Change the API of Dynamic: split makeNowRunFor into two separate 'setDuration' and 'resetToBeginning'2. Major changes to the 'Dynamic' app so that we can check more about the Dynamics.
Turn the Rubik app into a MemoryTest.
Rubk App: changes in the UI
Rubk App: improve 4 buttons in the top.
Improve the application list.
1) new 'Rubik' app (skeleton)2) MeshCubes: add support for custom texture mappings on each side (Rubik needs that!)
Massive: make the coordinate system agree with that of OpenGL (i.e. invert the Y axis).
Rename the old 'Cubes' app to 'Inflate' - this now combines the testing functionality of former 'Cubes' and 'Inflate' apps.The old 'Inflate' in turn renamed to 'Earth' - here we are going to show an Earth rotating in space.
- new icon for the GLOW app- rename the BitmapTree app to ObjectTree
Improve the Triblur app to be able to switch objects into 1 of 3 states: no postprocessing, blur, glow.
Progress with Inflate (building block of postprocessing effects: the proper way of marking a halo around a Mesh)'Inflate' app testing the machanism. MeshFlat appears to be working, now we only need to fill up the per-vertex Inflate vector in the MeshCubes.
Progress with Effects3D app - merge Matrix effects
Progress with Effects3D app.
Correct the way we display Normals (didn't work in case rendering was of OIT type)
More progress with Effects3D app.
Overhaul of the Effects3D generic test app.
Still not perfect (the 'postprocess' tab does not work; things crash when we rotate)
Add OIT to the Effects3D app.
Actually display the new Mali app.
Adjustments for the 'Flag' app.
New app checking Order Independent Transparency.
New 'PostprocessTree' app (unfinished)
Improve the Triblur app.
New 'Triblur' testapp.
Shows that the Blur effect doesn't fully work (probably it is the 'blitWithDepth' function which needs to be corrected)
Improve 'Glow' app.
New 'Glow' app.
Rename the last 'Glow' app.
Fix 'Bitmap Tree' APP. Now 28 out of 31 APPs work.
Beginnings of the GLOW unit test.
First try to convert the Stencil app to a dual (directly to Screen / through intermediate Framebuffer) mode.Doesn't work yet ( API is inconvenient / plain wrong )
Beginnings of Stencil App.
Use Transform Feedback to (optionally) display the Normal vectors.
Transform Feedback Example.
Mipmap levels!
1) in the Library, fix the fact that some applications (those that were creating their DistortedSurface objects outside of onSurfaceCreated or onSurfaceChanged) would not render after the activity went to background (press POWER to see that).2) in the Apps, call the new 'Distorted.onPause()' API to fix the above problem...
Fixes for z-fighting.
A Lot of fixes for the issues uncovered by Olimpic.
Still at least 1 known issue: sometimes, when we re-add a Surface, some garbage pops up on the screen for a brief split second. Visible in Olimpic.
Beginnings of the 'Multiblur' app.
Improvements for the 'Cubes' and 'Effects3D' apps.
New 'Blur' App. Actual BLUR effect, of course, does not work.
FBO APP: add dynamic adding/removing the DEPTH attachment.
Correction for the 'Girl' app.
Improve the Sink app (funny?)
First attempt at the 'Mirror' app.
Fix a lot of Lint warnings in the apps.
Turn the former 'FOV' app into 'Projection' app that also checks the (x,y) the camera looks at.
New app: Around The World (beginnings)
Rename Effects2D to EffectQueue
Beginnings of the 'Wind' app.
Progress with the 'Flag' test app.
Beginnings of a new example app - a waving flag.
No actual waving yet!
Combine Fragment3D and Vertex3D apps into one.
Fix the 'Moving Effects' app
Fix the 'Macroblock' app.
Re-write Vertex3D to provide similar functionality to Fragment3D (displaying the center and region bitmaps still missing)
Fragment3D finished.
Fragment3D should be pretty much finished.
Some progress with Fragment3D app - doesn't compile yet!
New Fragment3D app.
Improve the Vertex3D app some more.
some improvements for the way we test DistortedObjects.
Skeleton of the new App: Vertex3D. So far just a copy of Matrix3D.
Rename Effects3D to Matrix3D
Effects2D should be finished.
More progress with Effects2D app.
Upgrade what used to be the 'Scratchpad' app; step 2: reorganize layout
Upgrade what used to be the 'Scratchpad' app; step 1: rename.
Further reduce the distortedObject's API - now only 26 methods, 1/4 of the 104 before the reorganization.
Beginnings of support for the 'Save' app.
Beginnings of support for PostShader effects (SavePNG, SaveMP4)
Icon & metadata
New app: PlainMonaLisa (Mona Lisa rendered on plain SurfaceView)
Switch to sending a Context (rather than a GLSurfaceView) to the library.
Switch back to http
Adjust URL
Initial commit