Actually display the new Mali app.
New self-contained (i.e. not dependant on the library) App to check bugs on Mali GPU.
Adjustments for the 'Flag' app.
OIT: more fixes
OIT: fixes. Everything looks correct now except for the curious return of the 'dancing lower-left corner' small glitch in the 'Transparency' app.
Reengineer DistortedScreen
OIT: correct depth
Postprocessing: dont crash when we fail to compile postprocessing programs
OIT: lots of progress on all fronts. Still a few bugs to solve though!
Properly recreate the Atomic and LinkedList buffers onPause.We have to discard all alpha==0.0 pixels during OIT Pass1.
Fix the 'OIT' artefacts.
- remove counting of transparent pixels from main fragment shader- remove debugs and tidy up- some fixes for the Mali GPU
Order Independent Transparency: some progress
Some improvements for 'Moving Glow'
'Transparency' app icon.
New app checking Order Independent Transparency.
'PostprocessTree' app: enable the point: double blur.
'PostprocessTree' app: icon
Improve the 'PostprocessTree' app. Shows bugs in postprocessing.
New 'PostprocessTree' app (unfinished)
Improve the 'Triblur' app.
Improve the Triblur app.
New 'Triblur' testapp.
Shows that the Blur effect doesn't fully work (probably it is the 'blitWithDepth' function which needs to be corrected)
Remove buildToolsVersion
Fix in Framebuffer
Bugfix in RenderState
Improvement for MultiBlur and Glow apps.
Add quality levels in Glow APP.
Fix quality levels in Glow.
Debugging Glow.
Progress with Glow.
Improve 'Glow' app.
New 'Glow' app.
Rename the last 'Glow' app.
Simplify Statics.
Make Postprocessing quality per-effect (rather than applied to the whole queue)
move EffectQuality to the effect package.
Fixes for dynamic postprocessing.
Move all the knowledge about Vertex and Fragment effects to their respective classes.
Simplify Effect classes.
Change of API: move setting the EGL context back to the APP.
Beginnings of support for the unified Data data type.
Fixes for removing effects.
Small API simplification.
Remove old facility to correct Postprocessing buckets on new Postporcessing effects.
New facility will follow shortly....
Remove DistortedEffectsPostprocess and unify it with DistortedEffects.
Job not finished - doesn't compile now!
Fix the final 'Vertex & Fragment Effects' APP. All APPs work now!
Fix 'EffectQueue' APP. Now 30 out of 31 APPs work.
Fix 'Olimpic' APP. Now 29 out of 31 APPs work.
Fix 'Bitmap Tree' APP. Now 28 out of 31 APPs work.
Fix 'Cat and Dog' APP. Now 24 out of 31 APPs work.
Fix Moving Effects APP. Now 23 out of 31 APPs work.
Bugfix (invert Region's y coord)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Bugfixes for the recent 'Effect classes' API change.
Progress with Effect classes.
The last 10 errors in the last 2 APPs.
Progress with the last 2 APPs.
Further progress with Apps: 29 (out of 31) compile now.
Further progress with Apps: 28 (out of 31) compile now.
Further progress with Apps: 27 (out of 31) compile now.
Further progress with Apps: 26 (out of 31) compile now.
Further progress with Apps: 25 (out of 31) compile now.
Further progress with Apps: 21 (out of 30) compile now.
Further progress with Apps: 18 (out of 30) compile now.
Further progress with Apps.
Some progress with Effect classes.
13 apps compile now.
12 apps compile now.
11 apps compile now.
10 apps compile now.
Convert the first few Apps to the new Effect API.
Progress with support for Effect classes.
Progress with GLOW.
Serious bug sorting Surface's children into postprocessing Buckets detected.
Beginnings of the GLOW unit test.
Correct the FPS work (now works even after a Pause() ! )
Move showing FPS in the uppoer-left corner of the Screen to the Library.App can enable/disable this at any time with a single API call.
Progress with Stencils in postprocessing.
Progress with Magnify.
Beginnings of support of Magnification.
Progress with any depth MeshCubes.
Change of API in anticipation for MeshCubes of any depth (currently only 0 and 1 work)
Progress with Stencil app. Rendering through an intermediate FBO still doesn't quite work.