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Revision 678c391d

Added by Leszek Koltunski about 4 years ago

Change the Postprocessing effects: separate the radius and the halo.
Reason: we needed a way to specify the size of the halo around a postprocessed object; before it was automatically (and not very correctly) computed from the radius - before we knew the size of the object's bounding box, so this automatic computation was possible. Now we're removing the MashBase.getBounding(0 API, so the size of the halo has to be explicitly given by the user. This way is more correct anyway and gives the user more control (as the Multiblur app proves!)

Warning: here for the first time I can see that the 2 Examples (PostprocessingTree and MovingGlow) sometimes would not appear (black screen). Maybe this commit introduces such a bug - investigate.

View differences:

34 34
import org.distorted.library.main.DistortedTexture;
35 35
import org.distorted.library.mesh.MeshRectangles;
36 36
import org.distorted.library.type.Static1D;
import org.distorted.library.type.Static2D;
37 38
import org.distorted.library.type.Static3D;
38 39
import org.distorted.library.type.Static4D;
39 40

105 106
        mTex[i]          = new DistortedTexture();
106 107
        mMoveVector[i]   = new Static3D(0,0,0);
107 108
        mAlphaVector[i]  = new Static1D(0.5f);
        mBlur[i]         = new PostprocessEffectBlur(new Static1D(0));
        mBlur[i]         = new PostprocessEffectBlur( new Static2D(0,5) );
109 110
        mBlurApplied[i]  = true;
110 111
        alpha[i]         = new FragmentEffectAlpha(mAlphaVector[i]);
111 112
        mEffects[i]      = new DistortedEffects();

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