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Revision ae2802b1

Added by Leszek Koltunski about 6 years ago

Postprocessing buffers mBuffer[] are now shared among all postprocessing operations. This saves a lot of memory, but also means that when doing each particular postprocessing, the textures backing up the mBuffer might be too large. We need to fix two things here: when outputting to those too large textures, we need to adjust the Viewport, and when binding those too large textures as input - we need to adjust the TexCoords to compensate.

This commit does just that. Verified as working by the 'PostprocessTree' app.

View differences:

73 73
  private static int mBlitDepthTextureH;
74 74
  private static int mBlitDepthDepthTextureH;
75 75
  private static int mBlitDepthDepthH;
  private static int mBlitDepthTexCorrH;
76 77

77 78
  /// NORMAL PROGRAM /////
78 79
  private static DistortedProgram mNormalProgram;
162 163
    mBlitDepthTextureH      = GLES31.glGetUniformLocation( blitDepthProgramH, "u_Texture");
163 164
    mBlitDepthDepthTextureH = GLES31.glGetUniformLocation( blitDepthProgramH, "u_DepthTexture");
164 165
    mBlitDepthDepthH        = GLES31.glGetUniformLocation( blitDepthProgramH, "u_Depth");
    mBlitDepthTexCorrH      = GLES31.glGetUniformLocation( blitDepthProgramH, "u_TexCorr");
165 167

166 168
    // NORMAL PROGRAM //////////////////////////////////////
167 169
    final InputStream normalVertexStream   = resources.openRawResource(R.raw.normal_vertex_shader);
331 333

332 334
333 335

  static void blitDepthPriv(DistortedOutputSurface surface)
  static void blitDepthPriv(DistortedOutputSurface surface, float corrW, float corrH)
335 337
336 338
337 339

338 340
    GLES31.glViewport(0, 0, surface.mWidth, surface.mHeight );
339 341
    GLES31.glUniform1i(mBlitDepthTextureH, 0);
340 342
    GLES31.glUniform1i(mBlitDepthDepthTextureH, 1);
    GLES31.glUniform2f(mBlitDepthTexCorrH, corrW, corrH );
341 344
    GLES31.glUniform1f( mBlitDepthDepthH , 1.0f-surface.mNear);
342 345
    GLES31.glVertexAttribPointer(mBlitDepthProgram.mAttribute[0], 2, GLES31.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mQuadPositions);
343 346
    GLES31.glDrawArrays(GLES31.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

Also available in: Unified diff