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Revision b455eb48

Added by Leszek Koltunski over 7 years ago

Rename various classes; fix a bug in Around the World.

View differences:

54 54
 * <li> Fragment Effects, i.e. effects that change (some of) the pixels of the Bitmap (transparency, macroblock)
55 55
 * </ul>
56 56
 * <p>
 * Just like in DistortedNode and DistortedFramebuffer, we need to have a static list of all
 * Just like in DistortedObjectTree and DistortedFramebuffer, we need to have a static list of all
58 58
 * DistortedObjects currently created by the application so that we can implement the 'mark for
59 59
 * deletion now - actually delete on next render' thing.
60 60
 * We need to be able to quickly retrieve an Object by its ID, thus a HashMap.
70 70

71 71
  private boolean matrixCloned, vertexCloned, fragmentCloned;
72 72
  private long mID;
  private int mSizeX, mSizeY, mSizeZ; // in screen space
  private float mHalfX, mHalfY, mHalfZ; // halfs of the above
  private int mSizeX, mSizeY, mSizeZ;   // in screen space
  private float mHalfX, mHalfY, mHalfZ; // halves of the above
75 75

76 76
  private Bitmap[] mBmp= null; //
77 77
  int[] mTextureDataH;         // have to be shared among all the cloned Objects
84 84
// upper-left corner. Everywhere else the origin is in the lower-left corner. Thus we have to flip.
85 85
// The alternative solution, namely inverting the y-coordinate of the TexCoord does not really work-
86 86
// i.e. it works only in case of rendering directly to the screen, but if we render to an FBO and
// then take the FBO and render to screen, (DistortedNode does so!) things get inverted as textures
// then take the FBO and render to screen, (DistortedObjectTree does so!) things get inverted as textures
88 88
// created from FBO have their origins in the lower-left... Mindfuck!
89 89

90 90
  private static Bitmap flipBitmap(Bitmap src)
184 184
185 185
186 186
  void drawPriv(long currTime, DistortedObjectGrid grid, DistortedFramebuffer df)
  void drawPriv(long currTime, GridObject grid, DistortedFramebuffer df)
188 188
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204 204

205 205
206 206
  void drawNoEffectsPriv(DistortedObjectGrid grid, DistortedFramebuffer df)
  void drawNoEffectsPriv(GridObject grid, DistortedFramebuffer df)
208 208
209 209
    GLES20.glViewport(0, 0, df.mWidth, df.mHeight);
210 210

324 324
 *        This gets passed on to Dynamics inside the Effects that are currently applied to the
325 325
 *        Object.
326 326
  public void draw(long currTime, DistortedObjectGrid grid)
  public void draw(long currTime, GridObject grid)
328 328
329 329
    GLES20.glBindFramebuffer(GLES20.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
330 330
    GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, mTextureDataH[0]);
338 338
 * @param currTime Current time, in milliseconds.
339 339
 * @param df       Framebuffer to render this to.
340 340
  public void draw(long currTime, DistortedObjectGrid grid, DistortedFramebuffer df)
  public void draw(long currTime, GridObject grid, DistortedFramebuffer df)
342 342
343 343
344 344
    GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, mTextureDataH[0]);

Also available in: Unified diff