


How to compile and run the example code » History » Version 8

Distorted Admin, 06/02/2016 01:40 PM

1 1 Distorted Admin
h1. How to compile and run the example code
3 8 Distorted Admin
h3. This tutorial explains how to turn the 'library' and 'examples' code into an application you can run on your Android phone. 
h3. We are going to assume you are fairly familiar with Android development.
h3. I personally use Android Studio; you can use Eclipse or even command line for your development but setting up the project will be different.
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# Download and install *Android Studio*:
# Start it up and click on *Menu->File->New->New Project* to create a new, empty Project.
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## In the *'New Project'* window set:
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### Application Name: *Distorted Android*
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### Company Domain: **
### Package Name: click 'edit' and change the default to *org.distorted.examples*
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## In the *'Target Android Devices'* window, make sure *Phone and Tablet* is checked. Everything else can be unchecked.
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## In the *'Add an Activity to Mobile'* select *Add No Activity*.
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## Click *Finish* and an empty project will be created for you.
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Now we will need to download the sources and add both *'library'* and *'examples'* as new modules to the empty Project we've just created.
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At the time I am writing this, Android Studio 2.1.1 does not seem to support adding new modules directly from a Git repository; that's why we will have to do this in two steps.
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# Download (git clone) the sources to a local directory:
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## *Menu->VCS->Checkout from Version Control->Git*
## In the *'Clone Repository'* window, set *'Git Repository URL'* to *''*; you can leave the *'Parent Directory'* and *'Directory Name'* as they are.
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## It will ask you if you want to open the new project file - don't do it.
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## Repeat the above two steps again, this time setting the Git URL to *''*
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# Add the two newly created directories as modules to your Project:
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## *Menu->File->New->Import Module...*
## Set source directory to wherever the cloned *'distorted-library'* is and click *'Finish'*.
## At this moment it may complain about missing Android SDK platforms and prompt you to *'Add root'* of the new VCS. Do both. Once you do it, you should see a new module called *'distorted-library'* in your Project's module list, right next to the automatically created *'app'* module.
## Repeat the above, this time giving it the location where *'distorted-examples'* got downloaded to. New module *'distorted-examples'* will appear.
## Now you can (and should!) remove the empty *'app'* module: 
### *Menu->File->Project Structure...*
### Click on the *'app'* module in the left
### Click on the *red minus sign* to remove it
### Go to your Project directory and remove the *'app'* directory from it.