Square-1: progress with automatic scrambling.
Square-1: implement the fact that corners might bandage the puzzle.
Square-1: this is a shape-shifter; we cannot just clamp the Cubit positions to the initial list of positions.Do so only if the minError is appropriately low.
Square-1: progress with movement.
Make it possible for an object to have different 'cuts' along each of its axis.
Make it possible for an object to have different 'basicAngles' along each of its axis.
Hide more stuff in the TwistyObject class.
Remove the need for RowChances.
Progress with cubit shapes of the Square-1.
improvements for FactorySticker
Square-1: progress
Square-1: beginnings
Make it possible to have some objects created from dmesh, and others - bootstrapped programmatically.
Bump version to 1.8.1.
Bugfixes for two issues with 1.8.0 seen in the field.
Bugfix: make it impossible to rotate a cube when it is being scrambled in the Tutorial mode.
New tutorials.
Bump version to 1.8.0
Skewb Ultimate: icon.
Fact Turning Octahedron: icon.
Face-Turning Octahedron & Skewb Ultimate meshes.
Move some objects around.
Skewb Ultimate (hopefully) finished.
Progress with Skewb Ultimate.
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