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54 |
private DistortedTexture mCubeTex, mFloorTex;
55 |
55 |
private DistortedEffects mCube1Effects, mCube2Effects, mFloorEffects;
56 |
56 |
private MeshObject mCubeMesh, mFloorMesh;
57 |
private DistortedNode mCube1Node, mCube2Node, mFloorNode;
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... | ... | |
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mCube2Effects.brightness(new Static1D(0.5f));
76 |
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77 |
mCube1Node = new DistortedNode(mCubeTex ,mCube1Effects,mCubeMesh );
78 |
mCube2Node = new DistortedNode(mCubeTex ,mCube2Effects,mCubeMesh );
79 |
mFloorNode = new DistortedNode(mFloorTex,mFloorEffects,mFloorMesh);
76 |
DistortedNode cube1Node = new DistortedNode(mCubeTex ,mCube1Effects,mCubeMesh );
77 |
DistortedNode cube2Node = new DistortedNode(mCubeTex ,mCube2Effects,mCubeMesh );
78 |
DistortedNode floorNode = new DistortedNode(mFloorTex,mFloorEffects,mFloorMesh);
80 |
79 |
81 |
mFloorNode.glEnable(GLES30.GL_STENCIL_TEST); // Enable Stencil when rendering this Node
82 |
mFloorNode.glStencilFunc(GLES30.GL_ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF); // Set any stencil to 1
83 |
mFloorNode.glStencilOp(GLES30.GL_KEEP, GLES30.GL_KEEP, GLES30.GL_REPLACE); // replace with 1 when we fail Depth test
84 |
mFloorNode.glStencilMask(0xFF); // Write to stencil buffer
85 |
mFloorNode.glDepthMask(false); // Don't write to depth buffer
86 |
mFloorNode.glClear(GLES30.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear stencil buffer (0 by default)
80 |
floorNode.glEnable(GLES30.GL_STENCIL_TEST); // Enable Stencil when rendering this Node
81 |
floorNode.glStencilFunc(GLES30.GL_ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF); // Set any stencil to 1
82 |
floorNode.glStencilOp(GLES30.GL_KEEP, GLES30.GL_KEEP, GLES30.GL_REPLACE); // replace with 1 when we fail Depth test
83 |
floorNode.glStencilMask(0xFF); // Write to stencil buffer
84 |
floorNode.glDepthMask(false); // Don't write to depth buffer
85 |
floorNode.glClear(GLES30.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear stencil buffer (0 by default)
87 |
86 |
88 |
mCube2Node.glEnable(GLES30.GL_STENCIL_TEST); // Enable Stencil when rendering this Node
89 |
mCube2Node.glStencilFunc(GLES30.GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xFF); // Pass test if stencil value is 1
90 |
mCube2Node.glStencilMask(0x00); // Don't write anything to stencil buffer
91 |
mCube2Node.glDepthMask(true); // Write to depth buffer
87 |
cube2Node.glEnable(GLES30.GL_STENCIL_TEST); // Enable Stencil when rendering this Node
88 |
cube2Node.glStencilFunc(GLES30.GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xFF); // Pass test if stencil value is 1
89 |
cube2Node.glStencilMask(0x00); // Don't write anything to stencil buffer
90 |
cube2Node.glDepthMask(true); // Write to depth buffer
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mScreen = new DistortedScreen();
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1. Correct some bugs in DistortedRenderState
2. Thus make the Stencil App work
3. New icon for it