Introduce InitData, a data structure used to initialize a TwistyObject.Current (optional) members: int[] numLayers, int param [intended: type of the Crazy 3x3 planet], float[][] pos [position of a bandaged cube] )
BandagedPlay: configurable mode and scramble depth
Create the bandaged 3x3 icon: something works, the shape is drawn, but it's entirely black. Investigate.
Improve the CU_232 mesh.
Container's JSON and mesh - one more corrrection.
Fix a bug in FactoryCubit: before sometimes it would incorrectly rotate a 'collapsed sticker' face if the face was flipped.Also: polish up the Container.
Add Pyramorphix.
Implement the Windmill Cube
Remove the need to provide the number of outer faces of a ObjectShape.
cleaning up.
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