


| Branch: | Revision:

examples / src / main / res / values @ 4f39a7d1

Name Size
colors.xml 354 Bytes
strings.xml 10.4 KB
styles.xml 1.2 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
4f39a7d1 06/01/2018 08:41 PM Leszek Koltunski

Actually display the new Mali app.

b1c2b02f 05/30/2018 02:53 PM Leszek Koltunski

Adjustments for the 'Flag' app.

664a0e45 04/11/2018 10:56 PM Leszek Koltunski

New app checking Order Independent Transparency.

efc280af 04/06/2018 10:45 PM Leszek Koltunski

New 'PostprocessTree' app (unfinished)

f1b8b412 04/04/2018 02:55 PM Leszek Koltunski

Improve the Triblur app.

80f37d1b 04/04/2018 02:01 PM Leszek Koltunski

New 'Triblur' testapp.

Shows that the Blur effect doesn't fully work (probably it is the 'blitWithDepth' function which needs to be corrected)

3a4f3ae2 06/28/2017 01:46 PM Leszek Koltunski

Improve 'Glow' app.

cb9d104d 06/28/2017 12:00 PM Leszek Koltunski

New 'Glow' app.

11298b49 06/28/2017 11:33 AM Leszek Koltunski

Rename the last 'Glow' app.

3c70973c 06/13/2017 12:04 PM Leszek Koltunski

Fix 'Bitmap Tree' APP. Now 28 out of 31 APPs work.

View revisions

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