




| Branch: | Revision:

examples / src / main / res / values @ c6f4bd1e

Name Size
colors.xml 395 Bytes
strings.xml 13.3 KB
styles.xml 1.54 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
8aece7f2 08/14/2020 12:10 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with the MeshFile app.

7198e5c9 08/13/2020 10:00 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with the MeshFile app.

bf2e8f97 07/30/2020 10:38 AM Leszek Koltunski

Improve the Blur App to catch the bug where a small part of the Blur (and Glow) halo gets displayed on the other edge of the surface.

48c88f57 06/14/2020 06:30 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with the MeshFile app.

42aa970f 06/13/2020 12:12 AM Leszek Koltunski

Skeleton of a new App: MeshFile

304cdff5 06/10/2020 12:24 PM Leszek Koltunski

new app icons; skeleton of reading/write a Mesh from/to a file.

90940caf 06/04/2020 11:57 PM Leszek Koltunski

Skeleton of the SingleMesh app.

887e1853 05/31/2020 12:15 AM Leszek Koltunski

Skeleton of the new app: Deferred Jobs.

8982b894 05/23/2020 09:05 PM Leszek Koltunski

Progress with MeshJoin.

59835a0a 05/16/2020 08:51 PM Leszek Koltunski

Beginnings of a new 'Predeform' app which tests pre-applying a queue of Vertex Effects to a (single?) Mesh.
So far just a copy of Inflate app.

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