Fix for bug #28: looks of the borders of a blurred object depend on if the object is the first in the postprocessing bucket.
Postprocessing buffers mBuffer[] are now shared among all postprocessing operations. This saves a lot of memory, but also means that when doing each particular postprocessing, the textures backing up the mBuffer might be too large. We need to fix two things here: when outputting to those too large textures, we need to adjust the Viewport, and when binding those too large textures as input - we need to adjust the TexCoords to compensate....
Improve the 'PostprocessTree' app. Shows bugs in postprocessing.
Simplify postprocessing buffers.
Make the postprocessing buffers static.
A little progress making the postprocessing buffers static.
Introduce possibility that an OutputSurface is backed up by a larger texture than necessary and the 'cloneSize()' method.
Improve Blur (boundaries should be more white than black)
New 'Triblur' testapp.
Shows that the Blur effect doesn't fully work (probably it is the 'blitWithDepth' function which needs to be corrected)
SSBO: now we have a more-or-less correct running average of the count of transparent fragments over the last few frames.
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