Make the Effects3D app a bit more user-friendly.
Bugfix: make the Inflate distances equal in all 3 dimensions regardless of dimensions of the Mesh. (still MeshFlat's Z dim needs to be corrected)
Bugfix for the situation when we would be BLURring an object, then we remove the BLUR and apply a GLOW, then remove the GLOW and apply BLUR again - the second BLUR would assume the color of the GLOW.
Important bugfix in MeshCubes for the Inflate vectors.
Translate the size of the Halo around postprocessed objects from 'number pixels around the object' (as held in the Effects themselves) to a float suitable for Inflating the underlying Mesh with the per-vertex Inflate vectors.
Progress with the Inflate vector in MeshCubes.
Pretty much works now - what remains is calibration.
Progress with Inflate (building block of postprocessing effects: the proper way of marking a halo around a Mesh)'Inflate' app testing the machanism. MeshFlat appears to be working, now we only need to fill up the per-vertex Inflate vector in the MeshCubes.
Minor simplifications in Mesh.
Added a new attribute to vertices of a MeshBase object: the vec3 'inflate' vector.This vector describes the direction where the vertex needs to be moved when we 'inflate' the whole mesh.If the mesh is locally smooth, this is simply the normal vector; otherwise (for example in the corners of the MeshCubes) - not....
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