Simplify a bit the place where we got a crash once.
A lot of changes.
1) main vertex shader: remove support for degree_object. This functionality will hopefully come back when we introduce other than circular regions.2) MeshBase: remove the need to set a Bounding box (this is the point of the whole thing - we wanted to get rid of this so that the advances in MeshJoined will be easier)...
new VertexEffectShear
new VertexEffectScale
bugfix for VertexEffectRotate
new VertexEffectRotate
Add the first two VERTEX 'pseudo-matrix' effects: VERTEX_MOVE & VERTEX_QUATERNION i.e. implementations of those two MATRIX effects in VERTEX queue.
The point(s):
1) preparation for the upcoming MeshBase.preApply(VertexEffect effect) API that's going to supersede the current much more limited MeshBase.apply(MatrixEffect effect)...
Do not crash if we failed to compile some programs.
Lower requirements - now only OpenGL ES 3.0 is required; if running on such platform, OIT part of the API ( which is the only one which actually requires 3.1) is switched off.
Progress implementing RubikCube.retObjectString()
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