Introduce another Uniform Block Object. Now we can have much more vertex and fragment effects - up their default number to 100.
Plug two more memory leaks. It should be fine now.
Plug a major memory leak.Still one more leak remains - a similar UniformBuffer has to be markedForDeletion in the EffectQueues.
Convert the Integer part (i.e. effect names and the two associations) of vertex and fragment shaders to Uniform Buffer Objects.Next: convert the last part, i.e. the float effect parameters.
Fixes for the Rex Cube (mostly works now)
Bugfix: fix a long-standing bug where switching on normal vector drawing would interfere with transparency.
Bugfix: always normalize the normal vector after modifying it, otherwise the next effect might not work correctly (Distort!)
Bugfix: we initially need to set the maxTextureSize to MAX_INT, because otherwise early (i.e. before a call to onSurfaceCreated) calls to setTexture() will fail.
Put new things to the StackFrame.
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