Fix the bug where the postprocessed GLOW halo of a Cube would be of different colors depending on the order of rendring of the cube sides. (one needed to switch off BLENDing while preprocessing )
Fix the bug where the postprocessed halo would not work for the first few frames of each quality level (before this commit the bug was visible in the 'GLOW' app).
Minor cleanups.
Properly clean up static varaibles in the Effect classes!
Improve computation of the thickness of the postprocessing halo - should be independent of the size of underlying object now.Still it is not completely ok, it appears to depend on the ModelView matrix (use the Effects3D app to rotate the object around Z-axis to see this)
MeshCubes: Correct texturing of side walls. Everything should be correct now.
MeshCubes: Correct texturing of side walls. (still not everything is right there)
Make the Effects3D app a bit more user-friendly.
Bugfix: make the Inflate distances equal in all 3 dimensions regardless of dimensions of the Mesh. (still MeshFlat's Z dim needs to be corrected)
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