fix for centers of Matrix effects.
new VertexEffectShear
new VertexEffectScale
new VertexEffectRotate
Add the first two VERTEX 'pseudo-matrix' effects: VERTEX_MOVE & VERTEX_QUATERNION i.e. implementations of those two MATRIX effects in VERTEX queue.
The point(s):
1) preparation for the upcoming MeshBase.preApply(VertexEffect effect) API that's going to supersede the current much more limited MeshBase.apply(MatrixEffect effect)...
Move to AndroidX, target API level 29.
We need to add app version to build.gradle - otherwise the resulting dex file cannot be opened by Fire Stick!
Progress with Pretty Patterns.
Fix the memory test - we need to run one thing on the Graphics thread!
The Pyraminx itself finished - now its movements!
Progress with Pyraminx.
Some progress with Pyraminx.
Icons, details.
Progress with MeshJoin app.Fix rotating in some apps.
Progress with of Pyraminx.Bugfix for joining a single Mesh!
Improve setTextureMap.
Make MeshBase.setTextureMap() work.
Minor.Looks like MeshBase.join() actually works.
New MeshJoined.Test app says it's not working - bug in MeshBase.join().
Further corrections.
Further corrections for the first apps.
Port Cat and Dog to the new setStretch-less API.
Port Girl to the new setStretch-less API.
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