Improve Fragment3D app some more!
Make the Fragment3D app more generic: beginnings.
Essentially revert the last commit :)
Some progress with Fragment3D app - doesn't compile yet!
New Fragment3D app.
new icon.
Improve the Vertex3D app some more.
Revert the Cubes App.
some improvements for the way we test DistortedObjects.
minor stuff in layouts
Fix a bug in PlainMonaLisa - avoid a crash on screen rotate
fix in vertex shader
Progress with Vertex3D
Progress with vertex3D
Vertex3D: beginnings of support for a visible 'center' cross.
Vertex3D: add configurable center
Make the hips movement more realistic
make the 'Deform' app much more flexible (now we can mix effects atthe same time!)
Improvements to the Cubes & Vertex3D apps.
Vertex3D almost finished - there's still a problem when parts of Cubes get culled if the Object gets Deformed or Distorted to the left (curiously only the 'left' direction seems to trigger this!)
Skeleton of the new App: Vertex3D. So far just a copy of Matrix3D.
Also available in: Atom